Thursday, November 25, 2010

VOR / Au Revoir Groupama ...

The Groupama sailors and the shore team left Alicante yesterday and are heading down to Lanzarote to continue training after spending the last few weeks in Alicante. After winning the Route du Rhum, Team Groupama's skipper, Franck Cammas, arrived in Alicante on Sunday to start working full time on the Volvo Ocean Race project.

Credit : Volvo Ocean Race.

The team has been practicing on different In-port race courses to test the conditions in the area. The 2011-12 Volvo Ocean Race has been structured differently this time round and both the In-Port and Pro-Am races will take place on the same weekend of the start of the next leg.

"The difference is that the Pro-am race doesn't count in the overall race scoring, so we're not under the same pressure and also, only one half of the crew sail on the boat and the other half are guests, " explained the skipper.

"So we don't have the same rhythm or the same pressure as in the In-Port race, which does count in the Volvo Ocean Race ranking. Another good thing is that since it's the day before (the start), it's a way to prepare the boat and get ready for the next day," he continued.

"Not only has training started for the sailing crew, but the shore team is also working full-time on their land strategy to ensure the team has a successful arrival and departure in each stopover."

"There are almost 50 people who follow the boat. The team's performance also relies on the shore team that helps the sailing crew by preparing for the arrivals and departures and by allowing them to have a life during the stopovers. Unfortunately there are more on shore than on the boat, but we all share the same spirit and are equally important," acknowledged Cammas.

Yesterday, they have simulated the start of the race and have left the Port of Alicante. The first leg is a decisive leg for all the racing teams since it gives a hint of which is the best-performing team and boat.

"It's known that normally the boat that has won the first leg has frequently won the whole race - because it means it was the best-prepared boat," explained Cammas.

"It's difficult to recover from starting behind the boats that were ahead on the first leg, because everybody continues to progress. And the winner continues to progress as well," said Cammas. "That's why we have to arrive as prepared as possible and we have already arrived early."

"Besides the meteorological conditions, in this first leg we can assess the complete potential of the team and boat and it also reveals the real level of preparation of the team."

Team Groupama is heading towards the Strait of Gibraltar and south towards the Canary Islands where they will be based this winter. There, they'll continue with both the inshore and offshore training and wait for the completion of the boat that will take them around the world.

From Volvo Ocean Race