Credit : Hamish Hooper/CAMPER/Volvo Ocean Race
One month ago, CAMPER first sailed off the southeast coast of New Zealand for a five-port tour. The Volvo Open 70 then left Christchurch on 9 May, heading to Auckland for a 2000-mile-long qualifying tour.
A 30 to 40-knot upwind breeze was a good offshore test for the boat and the men onboard, as Media Crew Member Hamish Hooper said at the halfway point of the trip.
“I see what they mean when they say this race is an endurance battle. The good thing is, hours seem to pass quite quickly despite the monotony and with each hour and mile passing, it’s one more hour and one more mile less until things look up – I just don’t know how many hours and miles I need to keep counting down…”
The team eventually reached Auckland on Sunday 15th May. “It’s good to be home, but what a privilege to sail on CAMPER with the bunch of guys we have on board,” confessed Hamish.
I’m immensely impressed with each of them. I have no doubt with Nico and Stu, the strong and respected leaders they are, we will be a strong team.”
“Right now I smell like I have never smelt before. Even my lovely mother is reluctant to give me a hug. Time for what will be one of the best showers of my life.”
From Volvo Ocean Race