Monday, December 2, 2013

ITW / Benoît Marie wins the #MiniTransat 2013

The skipper of crossed the finish line in Pointe-à-Pitre line at 17h 46m 05s local time (21h 46mn 05s GMT). His total racing time was 18d 13h 01m 05s. His average speed over the course was 8.25 knots.

Credit : J Vapillon | More pics, here

This is Benoît Marie's first victory in a major single handed ocean race. In two years, his development has been linear. Considered a definite outsider at the start from Douarnenez, Benoît Marie has shown that he deserves his place in the major leagues.

The race
"This year has been really tough. The wait could be highly demotivating and the more we waited, the harder it was to get into race mode. I really took care never to let it unsettle me. From Sada, we knew we would face strong winds, it was on us almost immediately."

The descent along the coast of Portugal
"It was really an equipment breaking sea. The first night, I really reduced sail and applied myself to stay at an average speed of twelve knots, it was more than enough. I elected to sail in a seamanlike manner to avoid having to stop in Lanzarote for repairs. That didn't not stop me having my worries about equipment: my mainsail blew out several times at the third reef. I had to sew it. I also had rudder damage. I was forced to fix it with retaining lashings regularly ... "

His match with Giancarlo Pedote
"For three days I had no positions, my BLU was inaudible. I knew I was well placed, my boat was fast these in these conditions. I especially tried to sail the cleanest trajectory, not to ease off ... I did not know my position, but he should have nothing to regret. "

The overall picture of this Mini Transat
"Of the 3,700 miles of the Mini Transat, I think I had was close hauled for just 3 miles out of the Bay of Sada. Everything else I did downwind ... and that is truly magical. "

From Mini Transat