Monday, January 6, 2014

Cape to Rio, bumpy conditions. BILLE was demasted and reported a fatality of one crew member

All yachts reported bumpy conditions Saturday night, with swells 4-5mts sometimes breaking at top, wind speed up to 50knots. The fleet experienced stormy conditions on their first night, with reports of 40 to 60 knts of wind and swells of 6 metres. Many yachts experienced difficulties with the conditions but most are coming through the worst part. BILLE reported  mainsail problems and that they were proceeding back to Cape Town for repairs. 

At 15:00 a report was received that the boat was demasted and there were a number of serious injuries on board. Sadly the yacht reported a fatality of one crew member. MRCC have activated all their agencies and we are in constant communication with the vessel.

Race HQ sent the nearest vessel Genevieve Too to yacht Bille and they are currently standing close by to offer assistance. Before, they had lost a man overboard : he was recovered and is well, but in the process they damaged the rear platform and cannot close it properly. The Navy frigate Islandwana has reached Bille and is assessing the situation. The Race Committee at this sad time offer our condolences to the family members of the deceased and the crew.

The current situation on the following yachts:
BLACK CAT has reported a broken rudder and is proceeding back to Cape Town, one crew has a sprained ankle and all are well.

PEEKAY have reported sail problems and are proceeding to Saldanha Bay, crew all well.

EXPLORA have reported engine flooded but all well and will attend to the problem in calmer conditions.

ISLA, have reported both engines inoperable, but generator working, PEEKAY have reported receiving a

PAN-PAN from ISLA. We have had communication from them to say that all is well.

Ava reported in this morning saying that they were having battery power problems. At 16:18 an EPIRB was activated from Ava and we have received no communication from this vessel since then. MRCC have activated all agencies even though the yacht appears to on course from the XtraLink tracking system.

DoDo reported in at 19:30 this evening to say that they have lost steering and engine power but are hove to and will do repairs to resume racing.

The naval frigate, Islandwana, has been mustered with medical crew and will be departing this evening to attend to yacht BIlle and Ava.

From : Cape to Rio