Wednesday, August 31, 2011

VOR / What goes down must come up !

Breathe easy, PUMA fans – this is just a test and Mar Mostro has passed with flying colours. Curious onlookers could have been forgiven for gasping when PUMA Ocean Racing’s new Volvo Open 70 was caught in a smack-down position in water off Lanzarote, Spain, this week.

Credit :Chris Hill/PUMA Ocean Racing

Mar Mostro was measured, weighed and scrutineered both in and out of the water across two days to ensure her safety, stability and compliance with the Volvo Open 70 rules.

Testing included the vital pull down test, which basically simulates the worst-case scenario should the complex keel system fail, leaving the boat to right herself in what is often a precarious situation. During the test Mar Mostro was hauled to a heel of about 50 degrees while the keel was canted fully to the same side to test the automatic keel centring mechanism.

After more than 14 hours of testing PUMA’s Mar Mostro ticked off on several measurements, but like every yacht lining up for the 2011-12 edition of the marathon ocean race there are still more checks ahead as many items are yet to be completed.

Race Director Jack Lloyd said there were hundreds of requirements that yachts must measure up to, from a maximum total weight to minimum sized of the bunks to adequate headspace for the Media Crew Member inside their workspace.

But while the race rules are quite prescriptive, Lloyd said there was plenty of room for the teams to create points of difference as they race to gain a competitive edge over the fleet. With this year’s fleet shaping up to be wider than ever before records are bound to topple Lloyd said.

It’s a box rule really,’’ he said. “You have some parameters you must meet or can’t exceed, but depending on which corner of the box you go to you can end up with various different boats. If you choose a skinny boat it may be heavier, or if you choose a wider boat it may have to be lighter.”

The boats are a lot wider and a lot fuller at the back, the sterns are fuller which really helps lift the bow out of the water which means boats can really push down-wind or when they’re reaching. These boats can sail full-powered now -- very fast for a long time.’’

Lloyd said he expected PUMA Ocean Racing powered by BERG Propulsion, Team Telefónica, Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing, Team Sanya, Groupama Sailing Team and CAMPER with Emirates Team New Zealand to have their full safety checks completed just days before the In-Port Race in Alicante on October 29.

From : Volvo Ocean Race